Terms of service

Your use of software and services provided at this site ("Services") is subject to the terms of legal agreenment between you and Zello. Zello means Zello Inc located at 1717 West 6th St #450, Austin TX 78703. By using the Services you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions ("Terms").

Zello reserves the right to modify the Terms from time to time without notice. By continuing using the Services you confirm your consent to such changes.

Accepting the Terms

To use the Services and accept these Terms you must meet the following conditions:
  1. You must be 18 years or older
  2. You must provide your real full name and a valid e-mail address
  3. One legal entity may not maintain more than one free account

Use of Services

  1. You are responsible for maintaining your account and password security
  2. You are responsible for any activity, which happens under your account
  3. You may not use the Services for any illegal purpose
  4. You may not engage in any activity that interferes with or disrupts the Services


  1. All payments to Zello are final and non-refundable
  2. You agree to use a free trial account to fully evaluate the Services before making the purchase
  3. All fees are exclusive or taxes, levies or duties.
  4. When you upgrade or downgrade your service plan, the new service plan becomes active immediatelly providing that you have sufficient account balance. Account balance is re-calculated automatically to compensate the unused days of a service plan previously active. The returned amount becomes available for ordering new services.
  5. Account balance represents the pre-paid amount, which you can use to pay for the Services. You cannot withdraw the funds from your account balance.


  1. You can cancel your account at any time using the link on your Account page
  2. If you cancel all user profiles, channels, gateways and other data associated with your account are destroyed permanently
  3. When you cancel, unused account balance is not re-funded


  1. Zello practices with regard to the use and protection of your personal information are explained in Privacy Policy
  2. You agree to the use of your data in accordance with Zello's privacy policy

Modifications to the Service

  1. You agree that Zello may modify the Services from time to time without prior notice
  2. You agree that Zello may change the prices of the Services. In such case Zello shall issue a 30 days notice. The notice could be made by posting the changes to the website or the Services interface itself.
  3. Services marked as "beta" are temporarily provided free of charge. Zello may terminate beta program for any of the Services at any time. In that case to continue using the Services you shall either enroll into a paid version of the service or downgrade your service plan to the Basic free level.
  4. Zello shall not be liable to you for any changes in the Service, prices or suspension of the Services

Limitation of liability

In no event shall Zello be liable to you for any damages, including but not limited to any loss, or other incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind arising out of the use of or inability of using the Services, even if Zello has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event will Zello be liable for any claim, whether in contract, tort, or any other theory of liability, exceed the cost of the Services. This limitation shall apply to claims of personal injury to the extent permitted by law.

General conditions

  1. You use the Services at your own risk. The Services are provided on "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis
  2. Technical support to free accounts is provided when possible but not guaranteed
  3. You understand that Zello uses third party hosting providers to provide the hardware and bandwidth required to operate the Services
  4. Zello provides no warranty of any kind regarding the Services including: (i) the suitability to your particular need, (ii) uninterrupted, error-free or secure operation
  5. Zello reserves the right to refuse the Services to anyone for any reason at any time.

April 29, 2009